Have you heard of Tai Lopez? He’s joined the ranks of other popular internet sensations out there and he’s become a millionaire doing so.
The bulk of Lopez’s earnings have stemmed from his use of social media and work he’s done on the web. However, there’s been some speculation as to whether he’s a scam or not. His videos are viewed more than 200 million times a year and he’s been able to make millions of dollars. So, what is Tai Lopez’s net worth and how is he making all the money?
About Tai Lopez
Tai Lopez is undoubtedly a fantastic businessman. He started his first business venture as a six-year-old child selling cherry tomatoes for $0.25 per bag. After seeing they didn’t sell well, he moved on to selling lemonade. That is where his entrepreneurial spirit got its spark. Lopez realized that for the same amount of time it took to sell one $0.25 bag of tomatoes, he could sell $2.50 in lemonade.
He also grew to love reading in his adolescence. His desire to read and learn more has helped him become so successful. Lopez often says there is always something left for him to learn, and that attitude has brought him some great success where his money is concerned.
He finishes a book every single day, though they aren’t all new. He often revisits some of his favorites. “I recommend you find… 150 you can read over and over for the rest of your life,” he said. That’s not to say Lopez has had it all that easy. He’s had to live on his mother’s couch after a two-year stint living with the Amish.
At that point in his life, he had a junk car and only $46 to his name. He realized that, while he had a good life experience, not much of it would help him make money. Lopez decided at that point he needed a mentor.
Mentoring With Mike Stainback
Tai hit the phone book’s finance section and found Mike Stainback, who he chose because he had enough money to purchase a full-page ad in the Yellow Pages. Lopez offered to work for Stainback for free if he’d teach him everything he needed to know about money.
As it turned out, Stainback was searching for someone to mentor and Lopez displayed the characteristics he was looking for. With Stainback, he learned how to cold call and learned about leads generation. While Lopez worked for free with Stainback, he continuously found ways to educate himself.
After some time, he was able to close 20 percent of the leads he generated. Stainback then introduced Tai to the regional head of GE Capital. Here, Lopez became a Certified Financial Planner and was outselling the company’s top salespeople in a matter of months.
The bottom line of Lopez’s career has been focusing on learning and mentorship. Now, he mentors hundreds of thousands of people through his online training programs and social media influence. What has all of that done for Tai Lopez’s net worth?
What is Tai Lopez’s Net Worth?
The exact amount of Tai Lopez’s net worth is difficult to find on the internet. However, we received a CPA letter verifying that Lopez has a net worth of more than $60 million. A simple Google search will tell you how he’s made all of that cash too.
Lopez has been able to create a business around helping others be successful on social media. Much of his net worth can be attributed to his $44 million home in the Hollywood Hills. You can see much of his home in Snapchat videos and other online chats he hosts.
The social media star has been doing what he can to keep his personal life, including his finances and even his age, under wraps. Even the names of his businesses that are earning him millions haven’t ever been released. There are a few things we do know about Tai Lopez though.
Tai Lopez’s net worth has stemmed from a number of things, including:
- Advertising on his YouTube channel
- His “67 Steps” audiobook online courses about social media
- Paid online content (he gives some information for free)
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How is Tai Lopez Making Millions?
It is difficult for internet entrepreneurs such as Lopez. He seemingly became popular overnight, which can make people hesitant on whether or not they can trust them. Think about it, some of the most successful businesses are successful because they’ve been around and been reliable for years. The answer, however, is that Tai Lopez is not a scam. Many sources claim that Lopez is a legitimate businessman with a great social media strategy. In fact, many of his SoMe students have made their money back and then some of his courses.
Internet stars are popping up every day but not every one of them reaches Tai Lopez’s net worth. The virtual entrepreneur isn’t going to be slowing down anytime soon either. His net worth will likely continue to increase in the coming years as web-based businesses continue to grow.
What do you think of Tai Lopez’s net worth and his business? Do you think it is a scam?
Photo: Flickr: MAS Group

Amanda Blankenship is the Director of Social Media for District Media. In addition to her duties handling everything social media, she frequently writes for a handful of blogs and loves to share her own personal finance story with others. When she isn’t typing away at her desk, she enjoys spending time with her daughter, husband, and dog. During her free time, you’re likely to find her with her nose in a book, hiking, or playing RPG video games.
Look – he obviously exaggerates his success.
I personally like tai lopez. he taught me a lot of stuff.
I see people give him a hard time all the time….he teaches really solid information. I am just about finished the 67 steps and it is VERY good content. He is an aggregator. he gathers the best ideas from the most successful people, thinks about them, then integrates that knowledge.
I am super happy to have listened to probably over 40 hours of his content. It is interesting and engaging and thought provoking. Frankly the world, especially dumbed down america, would be better off actually listening to his insights. He is down to earth and well spoken. What else do you want.