
How an Online Degree Can Save You Money

person-731148_1280It’s hardly a secret that gaining a university degree can leave you trapped under a pile of debt.

Whilst you’ll have a BSc, BA or MA hanging proudly on your wall, the upshot is typically a depleted bank balance and the sort of bleak financial prospects that even John Maynard Keynes would struggle to put a shine on.

Indeed, a recent study written by researchers at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has revealed most students will still be paying pack loans from university when the reach their 40s and 50s, whilst many will never actually clear the debt.

The study also found a typical student leaves university with “much higher debts than before”, with the average money owed totalling more than £44,000. Add in the above-inflation interest rate on student loans and, in real terms, 45 per cent of graduates are paying back more than they borrowed.

On the face of it, whilst many graduates will pay back significantly more than they initially borrowed, the vast majority (73 per cent) will not repay their loan in full. On average, around £30,000 will be written off.

With that in mind, many budding students will attempt to reduce their overheads by swapping a bricks and mortar institution for an online degree that’s taught entirely through interactive e-learning and web-based tutorials.

But how does this educational path save you money over the course of your qualification?

  1. Tuition Fees

More often than not, distance learning is less expensive than a traditional course. This is because your studies are conducted online, with all course materials made available through an interactive Virtual Learning Environment – which also means you avoid splashing the cash on all those expensive textbooks.

  1. Travel Costs

When you’re studying for a full-time degree at a bricks and mortar university, travelling back and forth (if you’re not living in halls) can be an expensive business. However, by choosing an online degree, you can alleviate these travel costs and learn at your own pace wherever you have an internet connection.

  1. Accommodation

Rather than moving to a new city or swapping your rural retreat for something closer (and more expensive) to the university, learning online allows you to kick back in your current accommodation. Whether you’re living with your parents or sharing with friends, you can keep the status quo whilst you gain your degree.

Now it’s over to you …

Have you ever considered an online degree? Perhaps you wish you’d taken a web-based course rather than heading down the traditional route? Whatever your story, please feel free to get in touch and let us know how it’s going – we’d love to hear from you

Foolproof Ways to Turn Your Finances Around

purse-758770_1280Your credit matters, so if your finances are in bad shape, it’s time to get serious and give your money situation an overhaul.

But even if you recognize the mistakes you’ve made in the past, you might not know how to improve your financial situation.

If you’re living paycheck to paycheck or you’re behind on bills, creditors might hound you daily. Additionally, you might lie awake at night worrying about your circumstance. Everyone deserves peace of mind. And fortunately, if you don’t have a lot of financial knowledge, there are resources available to help you along the way. Here’s a look at five practical ways to turn your finances around.

1. Recognize your mistakes

If you continue living in denial, you’ll never improve your financial health. Understandably, it’s hard to point the finger at ourselves. We might blame anything and everything for our current situation, and refuse to acknowledge the role we play.

If you want to get ahead and put financial drama behind you, you need to do a self-evaluation and figure out where you went wrong. If necessary, solicit the help of a trusted friend — preferably someone with excellent money and credit management skills. This person can bring bad financial habits to your attention, and help you get to the root of the problem. For example, do you live above your means? Do you have a shopping addiction? Do you have poor organizational skills?

Once you narrow down possible reasons for your financial mess, you’ll be in a better position to resolve the problem and start making smarter choices with your money.

2. Give yourself time to grieve

If you’re in a bad financial situation and nothing seems to be going right, you might be depressed, anxious and frustrated. Your emotions are perfectly normal, and you should give yourself time to grieve, especially if financial ruin occurs due to circumstances beyond your control. But while grieving can be therapeutic, it’s important to pick yourself up and develop a plan to reverse the situation. The problem isn’t going to solve itself. You have to be proactive and maintain a positive outlook in order to succeed.

3. Get inspiration

When dealing with financial problems, it’s easy to think you’re the only person going through a situation. But the truth is, there are thousands of people who understand your circumstances. I’m willing to bet that a quick online search will reveal a ton of personal stories and experiences from people who’ve beat the odds.

For an inspiring and encouraging story, check out Vicki’s credit story featured on Creditrepair.com. Her candid testimonial video explains exactly how she got into a bad financial situation, and what she did to overcome this hurdle. It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with a terrible credit score, loss of a job or excessive debt, there’s light at the end of the tunnel and there’s a way out of many bad situations. It might take time to improve your financial outlook, but it’ll happen with patience, effort and determination. Soon, you’ll have your own inspiring credit story to share as well.

4. Make sacrifices

If you’re not willing to make sacrifices, you might never turn around your financial situation. For example, if you’re dealing with a mountain of credit card debt, the only way to pay off these balances is to increase your income. How do you do this? Some people have successfully paid off credit card debt by getting a second job or starting a side business to generate extra income. Others have sold personal belongings in order to create additional income for themselves. Unfortunately, the money you earn from work might not be enough to cover your living expenses plus eliminate debt. If you have high monthly expenses, getting out of debt might also require downsizing and moving into a cheaper home and driving a cheaper car so you can free up cash for more important things.

5. Get help

It’s possible to turn your finances around on your own. But if you feel that your debt or financial situation is more than you can handle, don’t be afraid to seek help. There are plenty of financial experts who can guide you through the recovery phase. For example, you can work with a financial planner who can help with all aspects of your personal finances from paying off debt to preparing for retirement. Additionally, working with a debt or credit counseling agency can reorganize your debt, thus reducing your monthly payments and helping you get rid of debt faster.

The odds might seem against you, but you can develop a strong financial foundation. The secret is gaining control of your money, credit and debt. What steps did you take to reverse a bad financial situation?

How to Financially Prepare for a Baby

newborn mariaA baby is a blessing, and having a baby will change your entire life, although hopefully for the better. And even before they arrive, there are lots of things you need to do to prepare for their arrival, including becoming financially stable.

Here are some ways to financially prepare for a baby before its arrival.

Start Saving Money

Having a baby is very expensive! They need a lot of things like a crib, clothes, diapers, and much more. Plus the medical costs of having a baby aren’t cheap either. That’s why you need to start saving up money from the moment you find out you are expecting, if not sooner.

My friend Cat set up a special baby savings fund when she found out she was expecting twins. She and her hubby were able to save $10,000 in their fund and they did end up using every penny on their babies.

Earn More Money

Not only is having a baby expensive, but the costs don’t stop after the child is born. Kids cost you money for the rest of their lives. Your grocery bills, energy bills, and more will forever be increased because you have a child. Before you decide to have a baby, you need to make sure you earn enough money to pay for these on-going costs of raising a child.

Sure you can be as frugal as possible when raising your kid(s), but you still need to make sure you earn enough. If aren’t earning enough right now, you’ll need to find some ways to earn more money. One way to do this is by taking up a side hustle, like freelance writing.

Get Out of Debt

If you are in debt, you need to work hard to get out of debt as soon as possible no matter what your life and family situation is. Being out of debt gives you more choices for what to do with your money. But if you are planning to have a baby, you need to think even harder about getting out of debt before the arrival of your child. It is possible to have a baby and pay off debt, but it’s much easier to pay off debt before having kids.

To get out of debt you should consider every possibility that can help you out, including taking out a lower interest rate loan with an unsecured guarantor loan broker. This can help you consolidate your payments and waste less money on interest if you go about it in the correct way.

Forgo Unnecessary Purchases

I’ve been in the baby section at Walmart quite a few times lately and I’m always shocked at how expensive everything is, and this is at Walmart! I can’t imagine how much money people spend on decorating their nurseries and buying every baby gadget known to man-kind when I see photos on Pinterest. Don’t let this type of consumerism get to you. Sure, babies need quite a bit of stuff, and it’s expensive enough if you stick to the basics. I’m sure it’s hard, but your bank account will thank you if you forgo some of the unnecessary purchases that some people buy for their babies.

Do you have any other tips for how to financially prepare for a baby?

How a Payroll Company Can Help Your Employees

Source: Free Digital Photos

Source: Free Digital Photos

Managing personal finances can be difficult. Proper management requires an investment of your time. While getting paid more would certainly help, there are other ways to get on track and stay there. In fact, even a payroll company can provide resources to keep your financial situation moving in the right direction.

Steps to Manage Finances

To make smart decisions about personal finances, consider using these three steps:

  • Create a personal budget
  • Use a disciplined approach to save money and pay down debt
  • Monitor your progress

If you follow this process, you can make better decisions about your finances.

Creating a Realistic Budget

One great resource for creating a personal budget is the book, The Richest Man in Babylon. The book provides timeless advice for money management. One of the tips is to “Pay Yourself First.” When you create a budget, your first priority should be to set aside money to save.

Your budget needs to be realistic. That means that you need to think carefully about the portion of your budget that is flexible. Some of your spending is fixed. You may have set amount to pay for housing, your car and certain forms of debt. Those payments are locked in. However, you do have some choices about spending that can vary.

You can find money to save by cutting your variable spending. Think about the money you spend on entertainment, for example. Say that you spend $300 a month on seeing movies and going out to dinner. If you change your spending habits, you can use some of that entertainment money for savings. Maybe you decide to cut out a few dinners and save $100 each month.

Your budget does not have to be sophisticated. You can simply write down the money you receive from your paycheck and all of your spending categories in a notebook. If you’re interested in budgeting software, there are some great choices that are not expensive.

A Disciplined Approach

Even if you plan to save that $100, it may be difficult to actually move the money into a savings account. One way to apply some self-discipline is to use technology. ADP Electronic Payment Systems & Services explains that payroll companies are making electronic payment more accessible for workers.

Many payroll firms can now issue pay cards. These cards allow the employee to access their payroll dollars without needing a bank account. The pay amount is posted to the card, which the worker can use to withdraw funds.

If you have your payroll processed electronically, you can also set up an automatic deposit of part or all of your pay into a savings account. By making the process automatic, you’re not tempted to spend the money for some other purpose.

Paying Down Debt

Technology can also help you set up a system to pay down debt at a faster rate. Assume that you have three credit card balances. If you can pay each balance online, you can discipline yourself to pay more than the minimum payment.

Let’s assume that one of your credit cards requires a $100 minimum payment for the month. In your budgeting process, you set aside $50 to make higher payments on your card balances. By paying more than the minimum payment, you reduce the principal balance on the debt faster.

Don’t hesitate to use technology to help you with your finances. To monitor your progress, check your credit card use and bank account activity online. That step will help you stay on track.