
‘Gold Rush’ Star Tony Beets’ Net Worth is Huge!

Tony Beets' Net Worth (2)

Image Source: YouTube/Discovery UK

Updated for 2025.

If you’re like me when you’re watching reality television you wonder how much these “actors” are making per show. For me though, I’m not wondering about Kim K or Caitlyn Jenner, I am wondering about stars like Tony Beets.

Beets is a down-to-earth guy who just happens to also be the star of Discovery’s “Gold Rush.” The show follows Beets and his family, who all happen to be gold miners. (It’s a really great program if you have the chance to check it out.) Of course, there’s a ton of money in gold but what is Tony Beets’ net worth and how much is Discovery contributing to it?

Tony Beets’ Television Career

Tony Beets hasn’t been “on the radar” for too long. His career took a while to take off but, since it has, he has become extremely successful.

Beets started out as a gold miner who moved to Canada about 25 years ago. He prides himself on being a Viking and many people even call him “The Viking.” He and his family work at Beets Crew at Paradise Hill. After years of mining reality, television show producers caught wind of Beets’ hard work and wanted to start a show starring Beets and his family.

Tony Beets' Net Worth

Image Source: YouTube/Discovery UK

That is when “Gold Rush” got its start. The series began in 2010 and continues to run on the Discovery Channel. People all over the world have been tuning in regularly to watch Beets, his wife and three kid live their lives. So, if the show has become such a hit, what is Tony Beets’ net worth?

Tony Beets’ Net Worth

Although there have been some rumors about Tony Beets recently, he is alive and well. In fact, he appeared in the latest season of Gold Rush (Season 15) in 2024. Of course, he’s earned some money from the reality show, but most of his earnings stem directly from his mining business.

Compared to some other reality TV show stars, Beets and his family aren’t absolutely killing the television game, but they aren’t doing too bad. Tony Beets’ net worth sits at about $15 million (and almost none of it is from TV).

Tony Beets' Net Worth (1)

Image Source: YouTube/Discovery UK

He didn’t amass that amount of wealth overnight though. In fact, Beets is a really hardworking guy. Born in the Netherlands, Beets relocated to Canada to better his life. He started out working in construction and moved on to mining in 1984. He was able to climb up in his respective career and today he runs Tamarack Mine.

The majority of Tony Beets’ net worth doesn’t come from the reality television show though. Most of Beets’ wealth stems from his gold mining company, Tamarack Inc.  According to Yukon Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Tony and his wife Minnie control least 143 mining claims in the Yukon Territory through their company. Here are some of the claims they have on file.


In addition to the value of the Tamarack Mine, the gold the mine produces, and all the heavy mining equipment owned by Beets, the Beets family owns real estate.  They live in a trainer in Canada during the summer (valued at $86,000) and own a home in Arizona valued at around $300,000. Beets also receives payments from the Discovery Channel for his participation in Gold Rush, reputed to be $25,000 per episode. Beets also owns several automobiles and a .50 caliber rifle.

Given that Tony is actively mining, owns real estate and has substantial personal assets,  it is likely that $15 million will continue to grow in the future. According to Beets, his ultimate dream is to be able to own and operate two highly productive gold mines at the same time. If he is able to meet that goal his riches will likely double in the years to come.

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  1. Glendon Anderson says

    Could do without all the profanity.

  2. Darren reeves says

    Honest, hard-working people curse, sweat, and scream. They also ache, hurt and stress.

  3. Darin Livingston says

    I love the series, but I wonder what his employee turnover rate is? I personally would only last about a half day, not because of my work ethic, but because of his treatment and swearing of others. There’s no need to degrade individuals who are trying to help you. IMO!

  4. I worked heavy construction, land and Marine for over 40 years. I started at the bottom and worked my way up. About one third of that time I cursed as bad as Tony Beets does and then Jesus Christ changed my life and the cursing stopped. I understand Tony Beets and his work ethic because my work ethic was much like his. Until you have worked as hard as Tony and his family don’t condemn any of their ethics. Now not only working extra hard but working with your own money will make you do a lot of things that you wouldn’t normally do working with someone else’s money. If you’re critical of Tony and his family go to Alaska and start your own gold mine operation and see how it goes for you and see if it changes your normal way of doing things. Not many people can start a business like gold mining with their own money and be successful while working hard everyday long, long hours. If I were younger I would love to work for and with Tony Beets and his family. Hats off to the Beets family and anyone that can stick with them. That being said I would never, never work for or with Todd & Jack Hofmann or PARKER. Todd, Jack and Parker are camera hogs, meaning they only work when the camera is rolling.

  5. GoldRushing says


  6. John Phelps says

    This lunatic really needs to sit down and visually review his on camera antics. Fuck this. Fuck that. Fuck everything. Real class. I’m sure he works hard, but he really needs to clean up his FUCKING act.

  7. Martin Slendebroek says

    Tony, try to hug someone. What you have to put fear into people. Respect carries more worth than money. Trust me Tony you can’t buy respect. It’s with more than gold.

  8. Dont care how much hes worth or how hard he works…he’s still an arrogant asdhole

  9. This guy looks like chewbacca, simply ridiculousl

  10. Raymond Allan says

    Is Tony Beets not able to compose a sentence without F Bombs?
    As hard as he tries Parker gets the best of him. Tony tried to screw him many times and it comes back to bite him in the ass every time

  11. Sig Hatlevik says

    Tony Beets appears to be a hard working, funny looking, foul mouthed but very charismatic guy. He reminds me of rootin tootin Yosemite Sam from my childhood days. It is always interesting to see what he will do next. And he seems to have a real penchant for trying to put the screws to young Parker. Maybe he is jealous that Parker is successful at such a young age, whereas it took Tony many many years to become successful. But the real key here is that Tony, Parker and Todd are all involved with GOLD ! It fascinates almost everyone. If they were involved in coal or iron or steel, I doubt there would be a TV show. And unlike the Kardashians or Paris Hilton, there are real stories here. I hope Gold Rush continues for many more years to come, and that the principal players do not change character. It would be nice though, if Parker could come up with a way to put the screws back to Tony!!

  12. Roderick Lake says

    Well I think these guys show what they are capable of but for a moment do they think of their worker as friends or a working family. They have discovery Channel with them. It they really need to see the real world of mining. Mr Hoffman was in Guyana trying to mine but I guess he was with the wrong person mine Anthony Mckdeci. With the equipment they have I can mind at leas double that amount of gold in Guyana.

  13. Katrina Finley says

    Never miss an episode! Love them all — even the F-Bombs

  14. Was Tony or Mamie drunk when they got married.

  15. Tony needs a hair cut and a shave. People see him and they think he’s Bigfoot I’m sure!

  16. Tony Beets is the best thing on the show, he’s awesome!

  17. Tony Beets is the man!

  18. Chase Carlson says

    Volvo gives them almost all equipment free of charge who knows what else ??? But it doesn’t say reality shows are truthful lik e most aren’t!!!! Don’t believe any of it

  19. By the way….. Gold Rush didn’t start with Tony Beets. It started with Todd Hoffman taking the idea to the Discovery Channel. The concept was to follow a group of people from Oregon who all lost their jobs and decided to throw together and try their hand at gold mining.

    The Hoffmans didn’t last too long on the show; mainly because Todd had the worst business sense ever witnessed in America.

    For the past few seasons; Parker has been the real star of Gold Rush. He is the most successful of all the miners (including Tony). And for the past view years Discovery has also done a series of standalone episodes called “Parker’s Trail”.

    No doubt about it; Parker known world wide because of this show.

  20. Can you change all of the machines you have over to hydrogen engines.That burn hydrogen and oxygen.And make devices for them to suck up water and filter it.And distill it and use electrolisis to produce hydrogen and oxygen with the water and store it in tanks on the vehicles.And use it for fuel.Also could you build your own generators Useing magnets to turn them.Powerful magnets.No combustion motors.It would save on fuel and be green and cut costs by hundreds of thousands a month.And be an example to others.A good example.And fix you slice to keep it from rusting.And maintain the vehicles and equipment keeping rust cleaned off and painted.So it’s stopped from rusting.

  21. Mark Sullivan says

    Hope your second dredge sinks you financially without Parkers gold. You are just a prick


  1. […] Reality television shows have been making people millionaires in recent years (and most of the time for doing nothing). People like Kim K and Paris Hilton got famous simply for acting crazy on TV, however, Discover Channel has begun a sort of reality TV that gives people a look at hardworking individuals like Tony Beets. […]

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