
Dahm Triplets Net Worth Far More Than Most People Imagine

While twins are unique enough, triplets are considered even more special because they are statistically even more improbable. If the triplets also happen to be stunningly beautiful, intelligent, and charming women, things can get extremely interesting.

In the case of the Dahm triplets, the public considered them so fascinating that it resulted in an unexpected fortune. Today, these celebrities have a net worth of about $12.5 million, earning their fortune through a surprising assortment of ways.
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Notes From Elon Musk’s Wife: What It Takes To Become a Billionaire

what it takes to become a billionaire

Justine Musk isn’t known for being in the spotlight very often, however, it seems she is rather insightful about her ex-husband’s success. After seeing Elon become the founder of PayPal as well as CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Justine has an idea of what it takes to become a billionaire.

Elon Musk’s Net Worth

Currently, Elon Musk is estimated to have a net worth of $12.1 billion. Much of this has obviously stemmed from his business endeavors directly. Although Tesla hasn’t been wildly profitable, the company is still doing extremely well.

Justine was by Elon’s side until 2008 when the couple parted ways, making her privy to the “secrets” of becoming a billionaire. Recently, she responded to a Quora thread asking the following question: Will I become a billiaonaire if I am determined to be one and put in all the necessary work required?

What Does It Take To Be a Billionaire?

Musk’s former wife answered the question fairly simply with “no.” However, she believes the person asking the question is focused on the wrong things. She continued her response by saying.

Justine MuskYou’re determined. So what? You haven’t been racing naked through shark-infested waters yet. Will you be just as determined when you wash up on some deserted island, disoriented and bloody and ragged and beaten and staring into the horizon with no sign of rescue?

Shift your focus away from what you want (a billion dollars) and get deeply, intensely curious about what the world wants and needs. Ask yourself what you have the potential to offer that is so unique and compelling and helpful that no computer could replace you, no one could outsource you, no one could steal your product and make it better and then club you into oblivion (not literally). Then develop that potential. Choose one thing and become a master of it. Choose a second thing and become a master of that. When you become a master of two worlds (say, engineering and business), you can bring them together in a way that will a) introduce hot ideas to each other, so they can have idea sex and make idea babies that no one has seen before and b) create a competitive advantage because you can move between worlds, speak both languages, connect the tribes, mash the elements to spark fresh creative insight until you wake up with the epiphany that changes your life.The world doesn’t throw a billion dollars at a person because the person wants it or works so hard they feel they deserve it. (The world does not care what you want or deserve.)

The world gives you money in exchange for something it perceives to be of equal or greater value: something that transforms an aspect of the culture, reworks a familiar story or introduces a new one, alters the way people think about the category and make use of it in daily life. There is no roadmap, no blueprint for this; a lot of people will give you a lot of advice, and most of it will be bad, and a lot of it will be good and sound but you’ll have to figure out how it doesn’t apply to you because you’re coming from an unexpected angle. And you’ll be doing it alone, until you develop the charisma and credibility to attract the talent you need to come with you. Have courage. (You will need it.)

And good luck. (You’ll need that too.)

Closing Word of Advice

Certainly, not everyone will become a billionaire in their lives. What matters is the amount of hard work and passion that you put into it. Quality over quantity and knowing that you live gratefully being able to provide for your family with your paychecks. Remember to keep your pay stubs safe because they are important documents. You can make your own pay stubs with the online paystub maker.

All in all, becoming a billionaire does take some hard work. But no matter how determined you are to have that dollar amount in your bank account, you will need to develop potential and have the courage to reach your goals. Oh, and as Justine pointed out, having a little luck on your side won’t hurt either!

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Major Life Decisions Involve Major Purchases

Major life decisions involve major purchases. The older you get, the more hefty your financial burden becomes as you begin to divert investing in expensive shoes and takeout and instead start to save for life’s most costly necessities like rent, utilities, education and automotives. When it comes to weighing our options for which apartment to rent, what gas company to use, or what car to buy, we need all the help we can get.

Major life decisions involve major purchases. The older you get, the more hefty your financial burden becomes as you begin to divert investing in expensive shoes and takeout and instead start to save for life’s most costly necessities like rent, utilities, education and automotives. When it comes to weighing our options for which apartment to rent, what gas company to use, or what car to buy, we need all the help we can get.
Car buying is no easy task. In fact, it kind of sucks. But in order to get your dream car you have to jump the hurdles of seeking out your perfect vehicle to be able to make the most financially sound decision, while also keeping in mind all the necessary features you are looking out for with the automotive. This can be be difficult to do for a person who does not have a background in the relevant expertise, and in order to compensate, we look to outlets we consider our only options to help us make our purchase decision. These options include an online automotive database that presents information on a screen, or an in-person car dealership/showcase owned by car dealers with a primary agenda to make money.
Sure, there are both pros and cons between both options. It’s important to weigh both factors in when you’re deciding between how to research your automotive options. In fact, to make it clearer, below is an extensive list of both the perks–and downsides– to using both an online autobase and an in-person car dealership.
i. your potential automotive options are physically in front of you for a review or test drive
ii. Dealers readily available to answer any questions or concerns
iii. Variety of makes and models
iv. Price negotiation occurs regularly
i. Dealers focus monumentally more on the sale than on helping you find your ideal car
ii. Dealers may also hide certain defects the car has to be able to sell it at a higher value–making the buyer completely oblivious to money going down the train in the near future due to their car needing frequent and expensive repair.
i. buyer can review the cars from all over the world instead of considering only local options
ii. Open 24/7; doors never close online, so a review of your proponents can be done anytime of day, week, month or year
iii. On-screen side-by-side comparisons of different vehicles present all relevant information right before your eyes with the simple click of a button
iv. Buyer faces absolutely no pressure to buy a car he isn’t completely set on, as in-person dealers often use sales tactics that coerce customers into making a purchase that breaks the bank for a vehicle that does not meet their specific needs.
i. You are online. There is no way for you to sit in the driver’s seat of the car, smell the seat upholstery, kick the tires before buying, etc– many buyers prefer to have hands-on time with a vehicle before making a finalized decision. This means no test-drives either.
ii. Prices are firm instead of being up for negotiation.
For a purchase as expensive as an automotive, doing sufficient research from reliable outlets is vital to leading a responsible financial life. So seeking out help from a car dealer who wants to suck up as much money as he can from you– or referring to an online automotive database that doesn’t always provide you with enough information to make a final decision on a car as seeing it in person would– are kind of counterproductive.
What if there were an outlet that combined the two outlets we have for automotive research, taking their best variables and eliminating the aforementioned downsides? Cars.com does just that. With absolutely no pressure from a sleazy car dealer, users have access to an extensive platform of cars that fit their exact needs–and can even locate where those very models are being sold locally. You’re also told upfront the best features of the car–but also the dents and scratches it has they may render it less valuable. There are even various outlets for car buying advice for users to refer to according to their individual needs. The best thing about Cars.com? Users have full access to all of its features at absolutely no cost.

Saving Money? Don’t Drop Your Auto Insurance

Times are hard and everyone’s always looking for ways to pinch a penny. Some may even be a little tempted to let go of their auto insurance policy. Before you even think about doing this, don’t do it! Everyone is having a hard time with bills and such, but cutting something like auto insurance would only cause you to spend lots and lots of money later on. Then you’ll realize it was a big mistake, but by then it will be too late.

Auto Insurance Laws

In every state, it is required by law that all drivers carry auto insurance for their vehicles. Some people think that they can drive about without auto insurance without getting caught. Although, many go a while without authorities finding out, but eventually they get caught. — up until the point of getting into an accident that is. There’s really no telling what will happen, especially when you’re driving with other people on the road. There could be a person falling asleep, driving drunk or just not paying attention to the road. No one can truly avoid getting into an accident; even the most careful of people can’t predict other drivers. It is a crime to drive without auto insurance and in most states, you’re required to show proof of auto insurance whenever asked for it. There are even random checkpoints, which everyone is checked whether you’ve done something wrong or not.

Verification of Auto Insurance

In many states, there are surprise auto insurance inspections that take place. When this takes place, you are required to mail in proof of insurance that shows you had coverage on the day the letter was sent. If you’re caught without auto insurance, it’s too late.

Penalties You Could Face without Auto Insurance

Driving a vehicle without auto insurance could leave you faced with grave penalties. If you aren’t maintaining your auto insurance, you could be slapped with a big fat fine. It could also result in your license becoming suspended or you going to jail. Then if you’re caught out on the road without it, it’s possible that your car or license plate could get impounded if you are unable to pay the fines associated with the penalty. Once you pay the fine, you’ll get back your car or license plate. Another fee is also required to be paid to reinstate your auto registration. In some unfortunate events, individuals have had all of these penalties happen at one time.

Car Insurance is Your Protection

Not only will you be protected from the various penalties that can be applied to you if you drive without auto insurance, but auto insurance is also a great way to protect you in a car accident. Without it, you’d be left to pay for the damages yourself, whether you’re at fault or not. Having proper auto insurance coverage will ensure that you’re able to pay for the damages done to the other vehicle, as well as yours. You don’t want to be without a vehicle if your car gets totaled and likely you don’t want to be harassed about money by the other motorist you were in an accident with.

Finding Cheaper Auto Insurance

Your best bet would be to find auto insurance that is more affordable. If your current auto insurance policy is too much, consider changing your liability limits and the deductibles to lower your premium. For instance, you can raise your deductibles and lower your liability limits to help lower your auto insurance rate. If this doesn’t lower it enough, then begin shopping around for other auto insurance companies. You can browse through the web for comparison websites that will allow you to review various insurers that fit your criteria. Once you’re matched, you should look at the coverage offered, along with the rate; not just the rate. The down deposit, monthly premium amount and total should be reviewed. See if it is something that you can handle paying.

Just keep in mind that if you do raise the deductibles and lower the liability, you will be responsible for paying the deductibles out of pocket and up front. Just be extra careful when you’re driving around, in order to avoid accidents as much as possible. Whenever you’re able to afford more coverage, feel free to add more on because you don’t want to drive around with minimal insurance for too long. Never know when you’ll be involved in an expensive accident

Lastly, while this is a bit off topic, another good way to save money on insurance is to use a cash back website.  Sites like Dollar Dig can give you substantial discounts on AAA members or AAA insurance.

In any event, there is no need to pay full price for auto insurance – so don’t.