If you’re a fan of the Real Housewives franchise, then you know that there are lots of different housewives. Many people have their favorites. For example, perhaps you love the Real Housewives of Orange County, which is the original of all of the shows. If that’s your jam, then former model Noella Bergener might be among your favorites to follow. She’s in the headlines a lot right now because of her divorce news. How will she do on her own? What is the reality of Noella Bergener net worth?
Who Is Noella Bergener?
Just because you’ve been a fan of the Real Housewives for a long time doesn’t necessarily mean that you know who Noella Bergener is. First of all, there are housewives in different cities, of course. Maybe you primarily follow the Real Housewives of New York, for example. If so, then Noella might not even be on your radar.
Even if you’re a huge fan of the Real Housewives of Orange County, which is the show that she’s on, however, you might not be all caught up. And if you’re not, then you still might not Noella, because she’s new to the show. In a breakdown of who Noella Bergener is, Women’s Health Mag notes that Real Housewives of Orange County (RHOC) is in its sixteenth season but Noella has just joined the group. She’s one of two new housewives this season. The other is Dr. Jen Armstrong.
Some Quick Facts About Noella Bergener
Here are some of the things that you might want to know about her off the bat:
- Noella Bergener is 36 years old.
- She self-identifies as bilingual, biracial, and bisexual. She is recognized as the first Black housewife on the Real Housewives of Orange County.
- She’s a former runway model, for Chanel among other brands. She’s also a magazine cover model; her first cover was for “Flirt” magazine in 2000, when she was still in her early teens.
- She continues to love fashion. She’s politically liberal and uses her social media platform to promote Black fashion designers, brands, and business, particularly in the fashion sector.
- Noella is a mom. She has a 2 year old named James Jr. and a 7 year old named Coco. Her son has an autism diagnosis and she shares openly about this journey on the television show.
- The family has a dog named RiRi.
Going A Bit Deeper: Interesting Information About Noella Bergener
Beyond the fast facts, what are some interesting things that you might want to know about this reality television star? She’s a strong single mom who is open about the struggle of raising two children including one who is on the autism spectrum. She’s spoken about her fears about his educational potential, sharing that in her own childhood a lack of quality education felt like it really held her back. The Grio explains that she experienced growing up on welfare before her mom set up a successful law practice, and then she experienced the other side of a more privileged life. As she learns more about her son and his potential, she sees that he might have an amazing, fulfilling journey ahead of him, despite her initial fears about what his diagnosis might mean.
Obviously, relationships are a key part of the Real Housewives storyline. Noella has been the wife of James Bergener, a personal injury lawyer known as “Sweet James.” However, it’s not a very lengthy marriage. They married in June 2020, and he is the father of the younger of her two children. However, they were only married for about one year when they decided to get a divorce. The divorce was a major part of the RHOC’s storyline and continues to reign over the media headlines. James sent her divorce papers, but still has finalized the divorce, and Noella reports that more than anything she’s just confused, not even sure why he wanted a divorce, yet ready to move forward with her own life. In fact, she’s already dating someone else.
Noelle Bergener Net Worth, Assets, Income, and Divorce Settlement
Anyone watching the Real Housewives shows is usually interested in the women’s financial lives, ranging from their careers to their divorce settlements. The divorce has been such a prominent part of the storyline that naturally this part enters into the conversation as well.
Noella Bergener Assets
If you watched the show during her first season, then you’ve seen that husband James moved to the couple’s home in Puerto Rico and sent her divorce papers from there. Therefore, we know that they have their Orange County home as well as their Puerto Rico home.
Well, maybe not. According to Women’s Health Mag, James says that the 10,000 square foot Orange County home was only leased for the duration of filming and that Noella is actually now “squatting” there.
Noella and James Bergener Debt
We saw on the show that James revealed that he owes nearly $6 million in tax debt. The Puerto Rico home has created much of the financial strain in their marriage. Noella has said to The Grio that she’s open about what’s going on with this financial situation and wants to do all that she can to settle her husband’s debts.
Women’s Health reports that she has requested protection from those debts. She’s also seeking monthly spousal support and wants full custody of their son.
However, at this stage of the divorce process, it’s unclear what all of this will ultimately look like. Until the two agree on the divorce, settlement, it’s hard to get any real sense of what the true Noella Bergener net worth is.
What Is Noella Bergener Net Worth?
If you research to find Noella Bergener net worth online, then most likely you’ll come up with $1 million as the answer. That’s the most commonly reported number. However, it’s really unclear how accurate it is. On one hand, she has a long history of a career as a model. Additionally, she earns money now through RHOC and through social media influencing. However, she lives a lavish lifestyle, similar to that of the other housewives, so her expenses are likely high. Plus, the status of her home isn’t clear. So, her net worth is murky at this time.
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Kathryn Vercillo is a professional writer who loves to live a balanced life. She appreciates a good work-life balance. She enjoys balance in her relationships and has worked hard to learn how to balance her finances to allow for a balanced life overall. Although she’s only blonde some of the time, she’s always striving for total balance. She’s excited to share what she’s learned with you and to discover more together along the way. Learn more about her at www.kathrynvercillo.com.