1. Lack of Emotional Connection
2. Infidelity
3. Constant Conflict and Arguing
4. Lack of Communication
5. Emotional or Physical Trauma
6. Financial Issues
7. Unmet Needs and Expectations
8. Growing Apart
9. Lack of Support and Appreciation
10. Loss of Identity
11. Substance Addiction
12. Different Parenting Styles
13. Intimacy Incompatibility
14. Unrealistic Expectations
15. Desire for Independence
Understanding and Addressing Marital Challenges

Toi Williams began her writing career in 2003 as a copywriter and editor and has authored hundreds of articles on numerous topics for a wide variety of companies. During her professional experience in the fields of Finance, Real Estate, and Law, she has obtained a broad understanding of these industries and brings this knowledge to her work as a writer.