Getting out of debt can seem like an impossible proposition. The idea of consolidating, saving, and eventually paying off each and every loan in full can be totally overwhelming for people who can barely manage to save money from week to week.
United Debt Counselors (“UDC”) may be able to help. No matter how limited a person’s budget might be, UDC is devoted to figuring out a working payment plan designed around each client’s specific needs. No one should have to put their life on hold just to try and get a handle on debt. Here are a few ways to set aside loan repayment money and work toward financial goals with UDC.
Set up a special purpose savings account
When first signing up with UDC, a representative will help set up a special purpose savings account to set aside funds towards paying settled debts and program fees. It doesn’t matter how much or how little goes inside at first; the point is that it adds up. While UDC’s representatives are reaching out to creditors in an effort to settle your debt, that money begins to accumulate in the account. UDC works with each client to develop a plan to set aside funds that works for their individual situation with the goal that by the time the first debt is renegotiated, sufficient funds will be available to either make a lump sum payment or begin paying a term settlement.
Figure out how much to contribute each month
When UDC first meets with each client, the terms of each service will be fully discussed. UDC wants to make each repayment plan work within a client’s needs. The amount of monthly income and expenses goes into this decision. It’s all about approaching debt in a realistic way. A UDC advisor will make sure that each client gets a plan they’re comfortable with before pursuing each creditor to settle the debt.
Allow UDC to do the work
After the process of setting up a plan and saving in monthly installments has begun and sufficient funds are in place to negotiate with, UDC begins reaching out to each separate creditor with a proposed settlement. This process may take awhile, but by the time the negotiations are complete, the goal is for each debt to be payable at a reduced rate, with each client saving significant sums. The overwhelming process of consolidating, scrimping, and saving toward an unreachable goal doesn’t have to apply. With UDC, each client gets a streamlined, transparent strategy for settling loans.
UDC wants each client to be able to live a life free of crushing financial burdens. Thanks to their unique business model, it’s a real possibility for millions of Americans suffering under the strain of debt.
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